Bed Bugs
Where Do They Live?
Bed bugs harbor in cracks and crevices during the day and come out to feed at night. Typically they can be found around mattress buttons and beading, in box springs or their covering, and any crevice of a wood bed frame, such as where members join.
Other places to check are wall hangings such as picture frames, night stands, stuffed furniture, baseboards, floorboard cracks, behind loose wallpaper, light switches, door and window frames, conduits, etc.
Bed Bugs are notoriously resilient and will survive most of homeowners attempts to kill them.

How Do You Know You Have Them?
If you waking up with bites on your body similar to hives or an itchy rash then you might need to strip your bed down and check for the following:
- White eggs or egg shells
- Dark brown or red spots on bed
If you have any of the following then you need to give us a call so we can take care of you and your family.

What Do They Look Like?
Bedbugs are 3/16-inch long, oval, flat, and rusty-red or mahogany colored. Bedbugs are flat and thin when unfed, but become more elongate, plump, and red when they are full of blood.
They have four-segmented antennae that are attached to the head between the prominent compound eyes. The two-segmented beak or proboscis is located beneath the head, passing back between the front legs.
Bedbugs cannot fly; their wings have degenerated into stubby remnants.
What Do They Feed On?
You! Humans are the preferred host of bed bugs. Although the bite of bed bugs is painless, most people develop an allergic reaction to the saliva injected by the bug as it feeds. Bed bugs have been found to be infected with some 25 different disease organisms.
In the last few years’ bed bug infestation has risen to epidemic proportion. A fast invading bug so small that it can literally go anywhere.
Bedbug Preparation Sheet
1) Be prepared to leave the home during treatment and for the number of hours afterward as recommended by the exterminator. In many cases, this will be at least 2-4 hours.
2) Remove all pets from the home during the time of treatment excluding fish tanks. Fish tanks are to be covered with plastic wrap, and pumps are to be turned off until reoccupying the home.
3) Remove all sheets, covers, dust ruffles, or any other bedding covers from the mattresses and box spring in all bedrooms. Wash all bed linens in the hottest water possible. Do not replace the bed linens until 4 hours after treatment.
4) If any mattresses, box springs, or other furniture are in poor or ripped condition and infested, they should be placed in large plastic storage bags that are available at moving or storage facilities, then removed from your home and discarded. **Note: The exterminator will need to remove bottom of the box spring in order to treat all harborage areas. ***
5) Remove all personal items including clothes, toys, shoes, stored materials, etc. from the furniture and floor area throughout the home.
6) Remove everything from ALL closets. Completely empty all bedroom drawers and empty all books and items from bookcases prior to treatment.
7) Clean or launder all clothing in the hottest water possible and store in clean clear storage bags for up to two weeks after treatment as a second treatment will be required within this time frame. Any stuffed toys or other fabric-based personal items should be run through a pre-heated, hot dryer cycle for a minimum of 15 minutes.
8) Vacuum all carpeting, bedding, bed frame, backs of pictures, and other areas that bedbugs are seen. Immediately empty the vacuum cleaner bag and dispose of it in an exterior dumpster or trash.
9) To give the treatment time to work, do not shampoo or clean floors or carpeting for at least three weeks after the treatment. The vacuum may be used as desired.
10) Move all items and furniture away from the walls. The exterminator will need to access all baseboards and behind all furniture. (Everything may be returned to its original location after the treatment is completed). All outlets and switchplates must be removed!!
11) The bathtub, kitchen counters, dining room tables, and coffee tables can be used to place items during treatment.